LeveragePoint is a SaaS solution that helps B2B companies create, communicate, and capture the true value of their product and service offerings using powerful, interactive Value Propositions. By enabling these teams to collaborate internally around building a value-based strategy, their sales teams can introduce value early in the sales process, gain executive buy-in, and achieve up to 15% higher win rates and 25% higher prices.
Originally conceived as a tool to automate building Economic Value Estimation (EVE®), the LeveragePoint application has continuously evolved to become a complete and robust platform for B2B companies to implement their value-based strategy.

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Trusted B2B teams around the world
LeveragePoint is used by global B2B enterprises across six continents.

"In Salesforce, our usual probability of success is around 20%, but in opportunities where we use LeveragePoint, it was over 80%."
"Using a LeveragePoint Value Proposition, we were able to rescue a customer on the verge of switching to a competitor, closing a 3-year contract."
"Presenting the LeveragePoint Value Proposition helped close the deal where we extended the contract at a 15% price increase."
"With LeveragePoint, we show specific value drivers in customer conversations. This has gotten great feedback and helped us win business."
"Last year we did five successful product launches based on LeveragePoint pricing, driving revenues of over $25m."
"Our usual presentations usually ended up as monologues. When we use LeveragePoint, it's a two way conversation, where the customer is motivated to provide information."
"It was difficult before to present the value we're bringing to the customer. LeveragePoint makes it clear as day."
"We ended up setting the price 10% above where we planed, and captured over half the value as we successfully launched our product."
"Talking value has become an annual process where we review value for the previous year with major customers, setting up effective annual contract proposals a few months later."
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