2022 State of Value Management Whitepaper

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In this period of rising prices and increased competition, B2B organizations must be able to demonstrate the differentiated value of their offerings more than ever. But how effectively are these companies integrating value-based best practices within their commercial processes? In the Fall of 2022, LeveragePoint conducted its first-ever State of Value Management Survey. The goal was simple – to obtain a snapshot of the ways customer value is currently being utilized by B2B organizations to make smarter decisions, boost commercial outcomes, and grow profitability.

As we enter 2023, customer value continues to play a critical role in the commercial success of B2B businesses. In this white paper, we summarize the survey findings in detail, contextualized with observations from our panel of value experts. By learning from their industry peers, we hope that B2B enterprises can further success in their value management and value selling initiatives.

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