
How B2B Enterprises Drive Successful Value Selling: 5 Tips on How and Where to Start

CRM data from organizations adopting value selling show that opportunities where a Value Proposition is used (1) have 5-15% higher win rates and (2) 5-25% higher price outcomes. This is reason ...

What do You Do for Your B2B Customers? Flexible Case Studies Increase Qualified Sales Opportunities

How useful is your marketing content? Does it support effective customer conversations? Does it help sales increase the number of qualified opportunities? On average, buyer executives are ...

Making B2B Sales Tools Useful: Get More Out of Your Value Calculators

Do your sales teams have value calculators?  If so, when do they use them? Value calculators are vital to sales teams, because buyers do the math.  A CFO Magazine survey of Buyer Executives ...

Top 10 Value Strategy Posts of 2016

You probably thought your inbox had seen the last of the 2016 wrap-up emails, but LeveragePoint is here saving the best for last! 2016 was the year of content. We produced more blogs than ever ...

B2B Sales Reps Want Sales-ready Content – Not More Sales Enablement Programs!

What’s your immediate reaction to these research findings for B2B sales people? Executive buyers were asked by Forrester Research- Are vendor sales people prepared for your meetings? ...

A Millennial Marketer’s Spin: “Sales isn’t using my content”

Alright fellow marketers, it’s time to get real. I enjoy, much like the rest of the professionals with my job title, the sweet satisfaction that blaming my shortcomings on my sales team brings. ...

A Millennial’s Spin: How a 24-Year-Old Answers the Tough Questions about Value Selling

Taylor here, with a little Thanksgiving treat for you Americans, and just a plain ‘ole treat for the rest. As most of you know, selling your product or solution is one thing, but getting people ...

How to Test a Value Proposition: 4 Steps to Maximize Sales Team Usability of Value Content

Value selling delivers results.  CRM data from B2B organizations that have adopted value selling demonstrate that opportunities where a Value Proposition is used result in: (1) 5-15% higher win ...

Useful Value Propositions for Sales Teams: Designing Relevant Value Drivers to Differentiate in Customer Conversations

“What do you do for your customers?”  B2B sales teams should be able to answer that question the same way that our CEO or our VP of Sales would answer it.  “We deliver value,” with 2 or 3 clear ...

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