
Are You Paying Enough Attention to Your Pricing Strategy?

This month Stephan Liozu, CEO of ARDEX Americas, wrote an article in Smart Business Magazine addressing the lack of attention paid to pricing strategy in most companies, despite the ...

How do you currently answer the two most pressing questions from customers?

A recent IBM study cites that getting closer to customers is a top priority for 88% of business leaders. Everyone gets it: to be successful organizations must understand customers, meet their ...

Ask the Expert, Follow-Up on June Webinar: Driving Value In Product Development

In our June webinar, Tom Lucke, Managing Director of Value Management Advisors, talked with us about how top companies put significant effort into understanding value early on during product ...

How does Pricing Excellence Benefit Buyers (and not just sellers)?

Many buyers are concerned when they hear that one of their suppliers has a new focus on pricing excellence and is implementing pricing software, whether this be a value-based platform like ...

Having a Conversation On Differential Value with Customers

Ask the Expert with Dr. Tom Nagle: Having a conversation on value TWO QUESTIONS FROM A SPECIALTY CHEMICALS COMPANY Q. Some of our customers require a price quote before they will have any ...

Change – Value – Cloud Were Key Themes at the Professional Pricing Society’s Chicago Annual Spring Conference

The Professional Pricing Society, the leading organization supporting the development of pricing excellence and pricing professionals around the world, held its 2012 Spring Conference last week ...

Pricing Myths: Alive and Kicking!

Guest Post by Stephan Liozu For the past ten years, practitioner’s published literature have highlighted the existence of numerous pricing myths. Many of them have disappeared with the ...

Ask the Expert, Follow-Up on April Webinar, Part II: Negotiation Tips and Ideas

In our April webinar, Jim Geisman, Founder and Principal of Software Pricing Partners, talked with us about how the nuances of complex sales negotiations and ideas that can save you valuable ...

Value is the Most Powerful Pricing Optimization Lever!

Companies invest in pricing software for many reasons, but one of the most common is the desire to optimize prices at a granular level, and charging the “right price” for each customer. But what ...

Ask the Expert, Follow-Up on April Webinar: Negotiating on Price

In our April webinar, Jim Geisman, Founder and Principal of Software Pricing Partners, talked with us about how the nuances of complex sales negotiations and ideas that can save you valuable ...

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