
CEB, Now Gartner Sales and Marketing Summit – Day 1

Hi all! I'm writing to you from beautiful Las Vegas, where LeveragePoint is sponsoring the CEB, Now Gartner's Sales and Marketing Summit. I sit here soaking my sore feet, reflecting on Day 1. I ...

CEB, Now Gartner Sales and Marketing Summit – Day 1

Hi all! I'm writing to you from beautiful Las Vegas, where LeveragePoint is sponsoring the CEB, Now Gartner's Sales and Marketing Summit. I sit here soaking my sore feet, reflecting on Day 1. I ...

CEB, Now Gartner Sales and Marketing Summit – Day 1

Hi all! I'm writing to you from beautiful Las Vegas, where LeveragePoint is sponsoring the CEB, Now Gartner's Sales and Marketing Summit. I sit here soaking my sore feet, reflecting on Day 1. I ...

How to Quantify Intangible Customer Value: Part I

The first in a series of articles with practical advice for quantifying intangible customer value. “How do you quantify intangible value?” is a question we get asked a lot.  Although I enjoy ...

How Digital B2B Value Propositions with Interactive Content Win 15-25% More Competitive Deals

Simple answer: Buyers appreciate sellers who address their business problems with results-based success stories in their FIRST meeting! I passionately explain to Sales and Marketing leaders ...

The Layers of Digital Value Propositions: Case Study View

In our May Customer Success Tip, I mentioned the idea of having multiple views of a single value model depending on the audience or phase of the sales process you might be in. As promised, this ...

Value Propositions that Address Sales Uncertainties: Equip Sales Teams with Content Options for Customer Conversations

Do you remember your first adrenaline rush? There is a good chance that it came from fear, anxiety or stress: states of mind that happen to all of us. Some people enjoy the adrenaline and ...

How Top B2B Marketing Teams Get High Grades from Sales Teams Every Day!

The majority of B2B marketing organizations are measured on achieving the company’s revenue targets assigned to sales. However, a significant gap still exists between sales presentation content ...

Three Ways Product Managers Miss with the Sales Team

    I’d like to share a few examples of how well-intentioned product managers get it wrong with sales people. All are based on real interactions we’ve had working with product, marketing and ...

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