
Are Software as a Service Vendors Innovating on Pricing Metrics?

Pricing metrics are the unit that something is priced in – we buy bread by the loaf, hamburger meat by the pound, frozen hamburgers by the patty. Choice of a pricing metric is one of the most ...

A Value Model for Call Center Software

One can make a strong case that setting prices for software is a relatively more challenging task compared to setting price for other products and services.  Since all software essentially comes ...

A Value Model for Johnson & Johnson Coronary Stents

Pricing healthcare has to be one of the most challenging tasks in the profession. Rising healthcare costs and debate over how best to manage and pay for them is a hot-button issue. Treacherous ...

Bridging the Silos of Marketing, Pricing & Sales

In the field of Value Management, a vast wealth of untapped knowledge lies trapped within the minds of sales professionals, pricing experts and marketing strategists. All too often, that’s where ...

More Thoughts on Professional Pricing Society’s Spring 2010 Conference

It's Saturday morning and heading home after a whirlwind week at the Spring PPS Conference. Thursday evening's reception was heavily attended and Friday's morning/early aft sessions were well ...

Professional Pricing Society’s Spring 2010 Conference

Today is the first full-day of the Professional Pricing Society's Spring Conference. Turnout for this year's conference has been excellent - over 500 attendees. I attended Dr. Tom Nagle ...

Advantage-Based Marketing Critical to Corporate Strategy

There are signals that China—whose artificially deflated currency and price supports have driven its economy for years—may soon allow the Yuan to appreciate. If it does, China will have to focus ...

Tom Nagle Discusses iPad vs. Kindle on the HBR Blog

LeveragePoint advisor Tom Nagle recently put up a post on the Harvard Business Review's blog. "A clash of the titans will erupt on Saturday when Apple releases its iPad: it will be Amazon, ...

March 9th Tom Nagle Webinar for Professional Pricing Society

On March 9th, I'll have the pleasure of co-hosting a webinar with Dr. Tom Nagle for the Professional Pricing Society.  The title is "Getting Your Organization Aligned Around Value." Tom will ...

Targeted Product Development & Value Modeling

Value Management is usually used in downstream business activities. Value models help companies to communicate their differentiated value, negotiate prices with customers and to find and target ...

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