
Confessions of a Spreadsheet-Aholic: How Excel Slowed the Uptake of a Good Therapeutic Drug

The most important product launch of my career should have been faster. But spreadsheets got in the way. In 2001 I was CFO of a company launching a drug for use in a hospital procedure to ...

Partner Blog: Do Customers Even Care About Value?

By: Chris Provines, CEO, Value Vantage Partners Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on Chris Provines' blog. For more information on Chris, please visit his ...

4 Areas Where Customer Value Can Improve New Product Development Success

The problem facing product managers is stark as based on evidence from a PDMA benchmark study, 76% of all new product launches fail to meet their revenue targets. But there are ways to increase ...

Quantifying The Risk of a $650,000 Security Breach

By: Dr. Stephan Liozu and Timothy Summers Measuring the value of intangible value drivers is hard. Not only do you have to find the appropriate formula, but you have to document ...

Startups, Create Your First Value Proposition in Under an Hour, Part 1

Editor’s note: At LeveragePoint, the concept of value-based pricing is important to every member of the company. In this blog post, one of LeveragePoint’s software developers, Aaron Williams, ...

The Most Valuable Sales and Marketing Conversation That Never Happened

  Sales and marketing alignment is the buzzword of B2B organizations today.  There has been much progress in creating conversations between marketing and the customer, and between sales ...

Delivering Value Faster Using Agile Development and Lean Startup Methods

Every software enterprise wants to get functionality that delivers real customer value into the hands of their customers as fast as possible. Taking 6-12 months hidden away in the coding bunker ...

Confessions of a Spreadsheet-Aholic: The Career Roadblock that Excel Built

I don’t know why I got my first job. Maybe it was because I could analyze stuff. And it had been a while since the last hiring freeze. They gave me a desk and a computer with this brand new ...

Partner Blog: MedTech – The Growing Threat of Price and Value Transparency

By Chris Provines, President, Value Vantage Partners Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on Chris Provines' blog. For more information on Chris, please visit his ...

The Multiple Uses of Value Models for Pricing, Product Development, Marketing, and Sales

If your objective is to determine a value price for a new product, then using a value model can be very helpful. That seems obvious, but did you realize that value models are used for other ...

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