
Competitive Intelligence to Inform your Customer Value Models Q&A

For our February Webinar, Stephan Liozu, Chief Value Officer at Thales, reviewed the types of competitive information that is needed to make sure your customer value models are relevant, ...

Product Management & Marketing Strategy: Limitations and Pitfalls in Value Mapping

Value Maps provide a useful framework that helps visualize a product’s positioning in the market.  A Value Map is a two dimensional graph that displays product prices on the y-axis and shows ...

Using Value Maps: Insights that Guide Product Management & Marketing Strategy

Value Maps provide a useful framework that helps visualize a product’s positioning in the market.  In our last blog, we reviewed the reasons to engage in value mapping, discussed questions and ...

What is Our Product’s Positioning? Where Are We Headed? Navigate Product Strategy with Value Maps

Physical navigation has come a long way in 500+ years.  Instead of envisioning the edge of the world, the disembodied voice on our iPhone saves us from traffic, telling us to turn left at the ...

Our New Year’s Round-up: The Top 10 Posts of 2018

Happy New Year! 2018 was a transformative year; digital and technological advances were abundant, Millennial buyers and sellers forced a change in our traditional processes, and an increasing ...

Value Propositions for Your Customer Audience Q&A

For our November Webinar Peyton Marshall, LeveragePoint’s CEO, explored the ways that Value Propositions can and should be the core piece of content that align commercial teams on their customer ...

Engaging the Professional Buyer Q&A

Time spent with a professional buyer is precious and limited. According to Gartner, only 17% of the overall buying journey is spent meeting with potential suppliers. The rest of the buyer’s ...

[Day 2] Sales 3.0 Conference Takeaways

The second and final day of the Sales 3.0 Conference is in the books! Messages of improving the sales landscape with technology, training, and the merriment of the two continued to be at the ...

[Day 1] Sales 3.0 Conference Takeaways

My boss says, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!" every time I'm leaving for one of these conferences. At first, I thought it was him telling me, "Have fun!" with a famous slogan, but now ...

Q&A: The Top Key to Success in Price Negotiations

Joanne Smith is the President of Price to Profits Consulting, formally the DuPont Corporate Head of Marketing and Pricing, and the author of two books. She focuses on helping B2B companies ...

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