
Establishing a Value-Centric Culture In Your B2B Sales Organization Q&A

For our June Webinar, Bob Apollo, Founder and Chief Outcomes Officer at Inflexion-Point, shared his guidelines for creating sales cultures that reflect customer- and outcome-centric values. ...

Modern Value Management Best Practices: Quantify and Sell the Value You Create Q&A

For our March Webinar, Todd Snelgrove, Founding Partner at Experts in Value, shared the latest insights in quantifying value in services, the evolution of procurement towards value, and new ...

Pricing Strategies for Today’s Supply Chain Challenges Q&A

For our February Webinar, Joanne Smith, CEO at Price to Profits Consulting, explored strategies for navigating today's supply chain challenges by executing price and policy changes without ...

Pandemic Cost Shocks and Pricing Q&A

For our January Webinar, Tim J. Smith, Ph.D., CEO at Wiglaf Pricing, shared case studies from a dozen leading enterprises, exploring the pricing actions they have taken in the past year and ways ...

2021 Content Roundup: Our Favorite Videos, Case Studies, Webinars, and Blogs

As we wind down the final days of 2021, we look back to some of our favorite videos, case studies, webinars, and blogs from the past year. Over the past twelve months, we explored ways that B2B ...

Design to Value: Creating Value Propositions to Communicate, Sell, and Grow Q&A

For our October Webinar, Michel van den Berge, AVP Marketing at Agilent Technologies, explored the process and technology behind Agilent’s Design to Value initiative that resulted in better ...

Outcome-Based Pricing: Managing Risk Through Customer Value Q&A

For our September Webinar, Timothy Matanovich, Chief Enlightenment Officer at Value and Pricing Secrets, explored the key factors that impact the successful implementation of outcome-based ...

Outcome-Centric Value Stories for B2B Sales: Making a Compelling Case for Change Q&A

For our August Webinar, Bob Apollo, Chief Outcomes Officer at Inflexion-Point, explored ways to make a rational and emotional case for change through value and outcome-based selling. After the ...

B2B Value Conversations: A Roadmap for Accelerating Your Sales Velocity Q&A Part 1

For our July Webinar, Brian Hannon, VP of Sales at LeveragePoint, explored the multiple positive impacts that result from strong B2B value conversations, including milestones during the customer ...

Understand and Sell Your Value: Keys to a Successful Value Management Program Q&A Part 2

For our June Webinar, Todd Snelgrove, Founding Partner at Experts in Value, shared the keys to implementing a successful Value Management program, drawing from over 20 years of global value ...

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