
Release Notes: March 2017

March 2017   New for this release:   Review Process. Model owners can now "re-open" completed reviews. NOTE: Email notifications and review process are configuration-level ...

Customer Success Tip: March 2017

ADDITIONAL FLEXIBILITY WITH VALUE MODEL REVIEW PROCESS   As any large corporation knows, managing stakeholders on a project can be a difficult process that often becomes a time sink. ...

Partnering with Sales: Best Practices for Price Increases

VIEW FULL RECORDING BELOW! Watch our April 11th webinar where Joanne Smith, former Corporate Director of Marketing and Pricing at DuPont, and president of Price to Profits Consulting will share ...

Release Notes: February 2017

February 2017   New for this release:   Review Process. LeveragePoint has added the first part of new functionality that supports a company review process for value models. ...

A Seller’s Look at Value Propositions: Monetizing Your Solution

View full recording below! In this webinar, Mike Wilkinson of Axia Value Solutions will be taking a seller's look at Value Propositions. Many Value Propositions have no monetary component, and ...

Customer Success Tip: February 2017

Collaboration with Email Notifications   LeveragePoint strives to give our users the best collaborative environment to build their value models and unique Value Propositions. As of our ...

Release Notes: January 2017

January 2017   New for this release:   Email notification when sharing. Users will now receive an email notification whenever a value model or unique Value Proposition is ...

Using Value Tools to Support Value-Based Selling

What's in this webinar? Once you have dollarized customer value and prepared your first Value Propositions, the next question becomes: what do you do with them? Value-based marketing programs ...

Customer Success Tip: January 2017

Storytelling with Customized PowerPoints   As a sales rep, you know the importance of keeping your customer conversations fresh, interesting, and engaging. Getting a prospect into a ...

Designing Value Propositions for Sales Conversations

What’s in this whitepaper? Value Propositions are powerful sales tools.  Value selling delivers results.  CRM data from B2B organizations that have adopted value selling demonstrate that ...

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