
Release Notes: March 2016

March 2016   New for this release:   New value modeling functionality: users can now copy Competitor and Offering price components, just like Value Drivers. Preview as VP ...

Developing a Value Mindset for Successful B2B Value Transformations

Value and Pricing Transformations are often slowed down or impacted by the lack of mindset change across the organization. To make changes irreversible, the development of a value mindset across ...

Release Notes: February 2016

February 2016   New for this release:   New functionality in Price Setting tool. The Modeled Price tab (tab 1) now allows users to set price based on percentage of Total ...

So, You Want Your Team to Sell to the C-Suite?

The best B2B sales executives know how to navigate the organizations they sell to. Steering sales conversations to the top is often an important element in their success. It can be make-or-break ...

Release Notes: January 2016

January 2016   New for this release:   New functionality in Price Setting tool. The Modeled Price tab (tab 1) now allows users to set price based on percentage of Total ...

The Importance of Winning the Sale Before You Win the Order

What if you could grow your sales with fewer prospects in your pipeline? What if you could be confident that you could close a higher fraction of deals in your pipeline? What if your sales reps ...

Release Notes: December 2015

December 2015   New for this release:   Improve value proposition charts. Cleaner mouse-over text boxes and consistent font sizing. Enhanced locking functionality for ...

Preparing the Sales Team to Win with 21st Century Procurement Organizations

Chris Provines is Adjunct Professor at Rutgers University and CEO of Value Vantage Partners. He's an accomplished executive and business advisor with broad global experience in Fortune 500 ...

Release Notes: November 2015

November 2015   New for this release:   New tab in Price Setting tool. Now users can edit and model their Offering Price directly in this tool. New Value Split % indicator ...

Utilizing Customer Loyalty Data to Enhance Value Pricing

Good value pricing can enhance your ability to get paid a premium or your fair price. When combining value pricing techniques with customer loyalty data, you can increase your value pricing and ...

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