
Deliver Results with Value Selling – Key Ingredients for Success in B2B Sales Teams

What's in this webinar? Value Propositions are a powerful tool for sales and presales teams throughout the B2B sales cycle. They help sales early to prepare for calls, build confidence, qualify ...

Generate B2B Value Propositions for Sales Team Adoption

What's in this webinar? Value Propositions are a powerful tool for sales and presales teams to communicate customer value throughout the B2B sales cycle. They help sales early in the sales ...

Parker Hannifin’s Best Practices For Pricing New Products

What’s in this whitepaper?   In a LeveragePoint Webinar, Improving the Value Propositions for New Products, Dick Braun described Parker Hannifin's WinStrategy, which transformed the ...

Price Vs. Value Management – Know The Difference

What’s in this whitepaper? Most companies only address price management when developing a pricing strategy. The goal of price management is to ensure that your sales and distribution ...

Unraveling The Mystery Of Intangible Value

What’s in this whitepaper?   Brand, quality or reliability may be key differentiators for B2B companies, yet many organizations do not try to quantify them in tangible monetary terms. The ...

Emerging From The Great Recession: 8 Keys To Driving Profit Growth And Customer Value From The C-Suite

What’s in this whitepaper? The best companies are moving beyond improving pricing one transaction at a time to developing an overarching pricing strategy that is value-based and driven by the ...

8 Ways Spreadsheets Undermine Profits, Growth & Customer Value

What’s in this whitepaper? Getting the price right is vital to the survival of any business. Particularly for enterprises that primarily sell to and service other companies, where relationships ...

Delivering Value Pricing Through B2B Sales Teams

What’s in this whitepaper? Customer's don't buy because they don't - or won't - understand your value. Download Delivering Value Pricing Through B2B Sales Teams and close the disconnect between ...

B2B Customer Value: Building Fluency for Conversations in the Customer’s Language

What’s in this whitepaper? Good organizations speak to their customers in their own language. Great organizations speak and think their customer's language internally when they formulate ...

How To Put A Value Tag On Your Product

What’s in this whitepaper?   Every product has a price tag, but you never see a "value tag." A value tag tells the customer, "What's it worth for me?" to buy the product. Economic theory ...

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